AIA Austin has produced the contents of this website not to provide any representations, guidance, or advice, but rather in an effort to furnish sources of additional possible resources for the user’s own research and investigation. Those sources of information are to be taken and/or used at the user’s sole and exclusive risk, and AIA Austin encourages independent, professional analysis and verification of accuracy. Information, documents, codes, rules, laws, standards, and procedures associated with the design and construction industries are subject to frequent change and conflicting interpretation. AIA Austin is not responsible for any errors or inaccuracies in the information or documents referenced or provided, and the Chapter disclaims any representations whatsoever as to the accuracy and applicability of this information and any documents. There is no warranty, express or implied, as to the fitness, accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability, or usefulness of any information contained in this website. The user’s sole and exclusive remedy for any complaints, concerns, problems, or issues of any kind whatsoever shall be discontinuing the use of this website. The use of this website constitutes the user’s acceptance of these terms.