Committee on the Environment (COTE) The committee reflects the profession’s commitment to provide healthy and safe environments for people, and is dedicated to preserving the earth’s capability of sustaining a shared high quality of life.

COTE Goals

COTE will expand its partnerships, actively listen, and act collectively.

We ENABLE transformation.
COTE will help architects transform their practices for climate action and climate justice.

We CHRONICLE design excellence.
COTE will elevate stories about people, buildings, and positive change.

We ADVOCATE for change.
COTE will promote policies that advance the AIA’s mission and ours.

We STRENGTHEN our network.
COTE will connect and empower the COTE community and allies.

Connect with COTE: Follow us on Instagram. Sign up for our newsletter!

COTE Resources
The AIA D503™-2020 Guide for Sustainable Projects explains the roles and responsibilities of the owner, architect, and contractor regarding sustainable design and construction projects. It addresses topics such as materials transparency; resilience; environmental product labels and certification systems; and jurisdictional requirements relevant to sustainable projects.

Upcoming Events

COTE: Indeed Tower Building Tour 


COTE + Design Awards Committee: Common App Workshop


Committee Content

COTE Resources

National AIA National COTE AIA 2030 Commitment Living Building Challenge U.S. Green Building Council 2015 Green Building Economic Impact Study Regional USGBC Central Texas SPEER Texas PACE Authority Local Austin Energy Green Building City of Austin Office of Sustainability City of Austin Community Climate Plan Wildflower Sustainable Sites Sustainability Rating/Certification Programs (for all project types) … Continued

Environmental Justice

Equity in Architectural Practice – A Workshop with Donna Carter, FAIA As a design professional and placemaker, it is the duty of the architect and urban planner to responsibly create for the benefit of all communities affected by their respective projects and to the detriment of none. A key component is community input during the … Continued

Health & Wellness

Flourishing in Place: Indoor space as a health intervention opportunity Indoor spaces are a dominant pollutant exposure for our society. They can also be spaces that promote thriving health. These facts are both a challenge and an opportunity for the AEC industry and for society at large. Join us as we present the design strategies … Continued

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