COTE Resources

National AIA National COTE AIA 2030 Commitment Living Building Challenge U.S. Green Building Council 2015 Green Building Economic Impact Study Regional USGBC Central Texas SPEER Texas PACE Authority Local Austin Energy Green Building City of Austin Office of Sustainability City of Austin Community Climate Plan Wildflower Sustainable Sites Sustainability Rating/Certification Programs (for all project types) … Continued

Past Events

Texas Accessibility Standards Meets Healthcare Design Join the Academy of Architecture for Health for a discussion with Steve Zoerner of Infinite ADA for a more focused review of how the Texas Accessibility Standards directly applies to today’s healthcare design challenges. View the recording. Nurse Call Advancement Hospital Integration The Academy of Architecture for Health held … Continued

Helpful Resources

Texas Historical Commission, info on Historic Properties (designations, tax credits, etc.) Preservation Austin City of Austin Historic Preservation Office Austin’s Historic Districts UT Historic Preservation Downtown Austin Plan

Planning Advocacy

City of Austin Planning Updates AIA Austin through its advocacy sub-committee is actively engaged with City of Austin staff to keep updated as to zoning and site plan ordinance changes, specifically the Planning & Development Review Department (Urban Design, Zoning, Annexation Code Amendments, Historic Preservation, Land Use Review, Comprehensive Planning, Neighborhood Planning, Development Assistance Center) … Continued

2022 ‘Profiles’ Interview Series

 Click to view the compilation Video for the 2022 ‘Profiles’ interview series. Committee Chair – Stephanie Lemmo, Assoc. AIA Committee Chair-Elect – Carina Coel, AIA Sub-committee Chair – Alexandra Chaves, Assoc. AIA Video Production and Editing: Gus Bernal

Environmental Justice

Equity in Architectural Practice – A Workshop with Donna Carter, FAIA As a design professional and placemaker, it is the duty of the architect and urban planner to responsibly create for the benefit of all communities affected by their respective projects and to the detriment of none. A key component is community input during the … Continued

Architecture at Home

Presented by the AIA Austin Architecture: K-12 Committee Architecture: K-12 invites youth to learn about the value of architecture through exploration, drawing, and hands-on building activities. Activities are self-paced and use materials that can be found in your own home. Check back regularly for more activities! MAKE Hands-on assembly activities. Grades K-5. DRAW 2D drawing … Continued