⟵ Leadership Collective
2025 Chair:
AIA 2025 Chair-Elect:
AIA Austin Staff Liason:
The AIA Austin Leadership Collective, first launched in 2018, is a year-long, intensive, skills-based leadership training program that seeks to equip emerging leaders in architecture and related professions with the tools to make meaningful progress on issues that matter to them. The Leadership Collective defines leadership not as a role, title, or position of authority, but as an ongoing practice of navigating change, mobilizing others, and experimenting to discover what moves the needle. Thus, the Leadership Collective is not restricted to those who currently consider themselves leaders, but is open to all who are interested in building on their personal strengths, working across differences, questioning the status quo, and contributing to the growth and progress of their firms, familes, cities, and community groups.
The Leadership Collective received the 2020 Mentorship Award from the Texas Society of Architects.
“I don’t think I can do my LC experience justice in a few words nor really articulate how valuable it’s been. I’ve enjoyed getting to know more of my peers in the industry, confronting big issues together and hearing a range of perspectives. I’ve found myself asking more questions and thinking about my role as a leader at my firm in a different way. I’m more willing to challenge the status quo and propose ideas on how we can do things better.” – Eileen Wright, Alumni
“AIA Austin’s Leadership Collective has been one of the great programs to emerge from our local chapter in the decades that I have been practicing in Austin. Having worked closely with two graduates, it is clear that the Leadership Sessions are thoughtfully conceived and intellectually rigorous. The breadth of topics brings issues that are often seen as peripheral to practice and shows how they are in fact essential to the profession . Our office has benefitted from our Leadership Collective graduates. Their experience has brought tremendous insight and value to our office.” – Ernesto Cragnolino, Mentor