DesignVoice facilitates opportunities for design professionals to serve their community. Past programs and events include Force-Majeure, Tiny Victories 2.0, Tiny Victories: Community First Village!, Blackshear Schoolyard Stage, Canstruction, and Mi Jardin.

We invite anyone who has an interest in being a voice for the design profession in support of our local community to attend the monthly meetings.

Connect with DesignVoice: Follow us on Instagram. Join our email list!

Upcoming Events

DesignVoice Meeting

DesignVoice Meeting

DesignVoice Meeting

Committee Content

DV3x2 Call for Firms!

Want to help inspire the next generation of designers? Sign up here to host students at your firm for DV3x2!  DV3x2 is a free one-week summer program from June 25-28 for high school students that lets students explore AEC careers with short, hands-on visits to multiple architecture, engineering, construction (and beyond) firms. Students can see first-hand … Continued