801 W. 12th St.
Austin, TX 78701
Phone 512 452 4332
Currently operating (in-person + remote)
AIA Austin staff in the office:
M/ Tu/Th 8:30am-6pm
AIA Austin staff working remotely:
W 8:30am-6pm
F 8:30am-Noon
AIA Austin is hybrid. Our phone and email systems connect to staff wherever they may be working.
PHONE (512) 452-4332
Option 1: Major Events and Programs EMAIL
Option 2: Continuing Education, Job Board, Contract Documents EMAIL
Option 3: AIA Membership, Communications, Marketing EMAIL
Option 4: Allied Membership, Sponsorship, Giving EMAIL
Option 5: Austin Foundation for Architecture | Design Austin EMAIL
Option 6: Accounting EMAIL
Option 7: Partnerships, Board, Finance EMAIL